Edgewood Park Golf Club
August 2015
Men’s Club Championship
August 16th and August 23rd
Players can select their foursome on the 16th
23rd will be set by flights
Declare flights before golfing:
Championship, A, B, Senior and Super Senior flights
Flight C not set for at this time
Women’s Club Championship
August 23rd only this year
Kids Camp
Unfortunately not this year
be looking for it again next year!
Saturday August 1st
GDI Outing
8:00am – 9:30am Tee Times
32 golfers
Wagner Outing
12:00pm – 12:50pm Tee Times
28 golfers
Prep Tour for Young Golfers
1:00pm – 2:00pm
Course closed till 2:00pm
Saturday August 8th
Putnam County Outing
6:30 – 1:00pm Shotgun
60 golfers
Course closed till 1:00pm
Saturday August 15th
Magnolia Days
9:00am Tee Times
30-40 golfers
Saturday August 22nd
Oak State Outing
8:00am – 2:00pm Shotgun
50-60 golfers
Course closed till 2:00pm
Saturday August 29th
Putnam County Scramble
9:00am Tee Times – Shotgun
Course closed till 2:00pm